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Exercices + TD corrigés de Maths 2 Univ jijel Dz University


      A zero, or null, matrix is an O matrix with all of its members set to 0. An identity, or unit, matrix is a square matrix A with 1s on the major diagonal (upper left to lower right) and 0s everywhere else. It is indicated by I or In to indicate that its order is n. If B is any square matrix and I and O are the unit and zero matrices of the same order, then B + O = O + B = B and BI = IB = B are always true. As a result, O and I act similarly to the 0 and 1 of standard arithmetic. (In reality, ordinary arithmetic is a subset of matrix arithmetic where all matrices are 1 1.)

      A diagonal matrix is a square matrix A in which the entries aij are nonzero only when I = j. Diagonal matrices have the unique feature of being commutative; that is, for two diagonal matrices A and B, AB = BA. A square matrix's trace is the sum of the entries on the major diagonal.

voici quel qu'on exercice sur le module mathématiques université Jijel

il devisé 3 chapitre  

Chapitre 01: " Les Matrices "

Chapitre 02: " Les intégrales "


Télécharger PDF 1 : TD 1 " les Matrices " : ICI
Télécharger PDF 2 : TD 2 Les intégrales " ICI

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DZ University


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