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Théorie du champ cours PDF DZ University

 Théorie du champ

     Field theory is a physics theory that describes how particles interact in a quantum field. The assumption behind this theory is that particles are not discrete things, but rather expressions of a quantum field that covers all of space. The field is thought of as a collection of values associated with each point in spacetime, and particles are excitations of this field.

    Field theory is used to explain many physical phenomena, such as electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, and gravity. In particle physics, it is also used to explain the interactions of subatomic particles.

     The presence of virtual particles is one of the most important conclusions of field theory. These particles are not directly detected, but rather inferred from their effects on the observed particles. Because of the quantum nature of the field, virtual particles may be formed and destroyed incredibly fast.

1/. Cours "Théorie des champs": 

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Télécharger PDF 4: TD 4  : ICI
Télécharger PDF 5: TD 5  : ICI
Télécharger PDF 4: TD 6  : ICI

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DZ University


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